variables reference

Variable placeholders are used in sql query, url and free text contexts and are populated with variable values and properly escaped/encoded according to the context.

sql queries

examples of sql query fields are: view sql, form newdata sql, form select sql and xcode language sql tags
$(variable) - is replaced with the variable value and sql escaped.
$((variable)) - is replaced with the variable value, url encoded and sql escaped.
${type:name} - is replaced with caption of type and name in the current language and sql escaped.
${name} - is replaced with caption of type * and name in the current language and sql escaped.


the url fields are: menu href, view action href and form action href
urls such as redirect may be passed in xcode scripts as variables, in which case the url_fillin function must be called to replace placeholders with variable values or captions.
$(variable) - is replaced with the variable value and url encoded.
$[variable] - is replaced with the variable value directly.
${type:name} - is replaced with caption of type and name in the current language and url encoded.
${name} - is replaced with caption of type * and name in the current language and url encoded.

free texts

Note: free texts such as messages may be passed in xcode scripts as variables, in which case the fillin function must be called to replace placeholders with variable values or captions.
$(variable) - is replaced with the variable value directly.
${type:name} - is replaced with caption of type and name in the current language directly.
${name} - is replaced with caption of type * and name in the current language directly.
